Report on the September KARDS Easy-Play tournament -

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Report on the September KARDS Easy-Play tournament

Hello everyone!

Another one of our tournaments has come to an end! I can’t say that it went perfectly, but some progress is still there. We adjusted the display of the second hand and found out some technical defects, which we hope to eliminate by the next tournament. I’m glad that your attention to the tournaments is growing — the number of participants and viewers has increased — the last record of 700 views on Twitch has been broken!

I would also like to mention the good work of Sasha (AJleHxauD) Mokhovikov and Roman (Takantu) Tkachev — thanks guys for your help, without you there was probably no tournament.

So, let’s move on to our prize winners and their decks.

We decided to give the floor to the winners to characterise their own linups and give some advice on their decks, let us know in the comments if you like this format and we’ll make it a regular feature. 🙂

1 place

Eszemteszem (Budapest, Hungary ). Playing KARDS for about 2 years, 2250+ hours.

Now, some tips would be incredibly specific (to matchups etc), so toon into a twitch stream of mine for it, but I’ll give a nice outline. 3 important points are: is this deck for non-comp as well? What’s the main aim? How to mulligan to make achieving the main aim more likely?
These 3 decks are not some madly teched comp lists for niche roles, so I do recommend em on ladder, even if u r shooting for an occ quals spot. (top 34)


For ramp, there r 2 key thigs. Early ramp, and into some matchup early goals. Into fast decks like aggro, fl, exile etc, ur early goal is a 5 cost guard. Against decks like brit air, although a guard is still nice, firebomb is more important. Note that jasco and research r also good keepers here. Now, against another ramp (or control), u mostly just keep ramp (and the research) unless ur hand is insanely good as most of ur goals r late and u’ll just have time to draw into em. And the ramp win? That usually comes from hitting the opponent down with the big stuff late, but still earlier than expected for big stuff without ramp, or just insanely late with just shitting out huge turns. And that’s why, if not pressed u don’t use ur outrages early. If it’s not a «I really need to find a removal or I die» situation, then u just wait until u have the luxury of kredits to play yank and just print a lot of retributions, as that’s ur «the big shit wasn’t enough or found» wincon. Generally, the best ones to pick r the develop 2 to keep it rolling and the 4 dmg to backline that heals u to chip away the opponent health, but there r many good options u could need situationally, like the 5dmg removal. Also, unlike the other two decks, just don’t be scared of dropping a few kredits here or there. Like, don’t just play an outrage, just bc u have it and 1 kred left, if u can afford to wait and have a much bigger value out of it later, then just hold onto it. Or like… ramp to 12 bc u have warmachine and 2 kred left. These r wasteful. But misplays I see a lot. So a warning about em seems warranted.


Jaggro legions is a bit of a weird deck to give a short summary on. Unlike normal aggro, u mulligan to curve out nicely. Against ramp, u prioritize going as fast as possible. Against aggro and midrange, u want the guards on as early as possible to make their life miserable. But ultimately, u just want to get the legions rolling at some point.


Ger-fin heinz. (I used this for top 34 last month.) Basically, u want a quick board with some kred cheats for a fast start to overwhelm ur opponent. Now u have many cheap units, but not so many lottas. So basically, u keep 1 or 2 1 drops, preferably the Finnish tank and send the rest back for a higher lotta chance. (If u already have lottas in hand, u keep 1 and mulligan for cheap units, ie u send back 3k and up.) If u r not immensely pressured u just put units on the board for the first 2 turns and just doesn’t move. And from t3 u aim to unit then lotta then start the carnage. And generally, u play by usual midrange guidelines so do the good trades until u r really close to winning, and only that u switch to hitting HQ.

2nd place

DiTya ( unfortunately didn’t get in touch, so just decks)


3rd place

Maxim (MaKSim3835N) Lyangner (Grodno, Belarus). Playing in KARDS since 19 July 2024


Tips that I could give when playing with my Otk (one turn kill) decks:

1.Remember that your first priority is to put together a combination of cards to kill your opponent in 1 turn

2.Spin your deck as fast as possible, by any means possible, with the help of extra cards, to get the combination you need.

3.Don’t forget about guarding, I have a lot of guard cards in my deck that allow you to live until you have the combination you want in your hand.

4.Effectively use mass destruction cards (mass remuvs), as there is only 1 of them in each deck.

5.Watch your hand overflowing with cards very carefully, so that you don’t accidentally end a round with an overflowing hand and at the beginning of the next round lose one card, which can be one of the main cards of the combination you need.

4th place

İsmail Alp, (Istanbul, Turkey). Played in KARDS for one year.


Try to be as aggressive as possible and don’t be afraid to attack the enemy HQ.


That’s all for now. Congratulations to all winners and good luck in the next tournament. The next tournament is tentatively on the 5th of October, news and polls will start 2 weeks before the tournament.

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